Platinum Level - Dedicated 1x1 Wellness & Healthcare coaching with a complete metabolic review including lab diagnostics, BioEnertixiX scanning & analysis, nutritional review, genetics testing, NES PEMD scanner, customized maintenance programs and weekly calls with My Virtual NP Chief Nursing Officer, Nicole Reina NP. $419/month
Gold Level - Metabolic review, functional and traditional diagnostic analysis, nutritional review, customized maintenance program and monthly 1x1 coaching with My Virtual NP Chief Nursing Officer, Nicole Reina NP. $292/month
Silver Level - Complete health assessment, customized healthcare maintenance program and quarterly 1x1 coaching with My Virtual NP Chief Nursing Officer, Nicole Reina NP. $167/month
- Our bioenergetic assessment, which looks at how energy and information are flowing in the body and looks for areas that need support. In short, the body needs enough power and accurate communication to operate the way it's meant to. We're able to see where it is underpowered or communicating poorly, and My Virtual NP uses miHealth and Infoceuticals to support those areas.
- Our bioelectric device with real-time biofeedback, called the miHealth, can jump start the correction process when used in clinic with a client. Optionally, clients can order their own miHealth from My Virtual NP and use it daily based on scan results, or simply to address a broad range or issues that can arise at any time.
- Our liquid remedies, called Infoceuticals, carry the information that should be present in the body-field to drive proper activity in the body. When distortions occur to this information, things begin to break down in the body. Essentially, the body is continually rebuilding itself, and when it's blueprint is inaccurate, it rebuilds problems. Infoceuticals act as a guidance system, using resonance to restore integrity to the body-field, allowing the body to rebuild itself correctly. $275
Individual PEMD MiHealth devices sold separately.
Virtual Healthcare Appointments for acute and chronic symptoms and diseases. $97 per visit.
Women's Health
Cold & Flu
Fever & Cough
Sore Throat
Anxiety / Depression
Medical Refills
CBD Therapies
Cannabinoid Treatment
Essential CBD Oils
Aroma Therapy
$97 per visit
In-home IV Infusion Therapy
Wellness Treatments
Acute Care Treatments
Hangover Treatments
Vitamin B
Pricing varies based on packages
Narcotic & Non-Narcotic prescription refills. $75 per visit
Dietary Restrictions
Organic meal planning
Gut Health
Nutrition planning & analysis
Mobile home nursing visits
Elderly & Hospice Care
Clinical trial mobile nursing
$185 per hour